Need a Ride? Call the Senior Mini-Bus!
· The bus is available for medical appointments and shopping for Woodbury residents over the age of 60 or adult disabled residents.
· Appointments must be scheduled between 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 pm.
· The bus can transport you to medical appointments in Woodbury, Southbury, Middlebury Watertown and Waterbury only. Other destinations may be added over time. For your safety, we cannot transport you home from a surgical service or when you are undergoing anesthesia.
· Your ride is not guaranteed until you speak with us. With capacity limits and a large geographic area to cover, we are limited in how many people we can transport each day.
· We will require a contact number for the medical appointment office. Also, please do not plan to run other errands when booking a medical appointment, unless you discuss this at the time you make the reservation.
· We will fit in shopping trips daily as the schedule permits. We also go to Southbury for shopping every Friday.
· We reserve the right to refuse service to any rider for safety reasons, or for breaches of conduct while riding the bus.
Please know that:
· The driver will be wearing a mask. All riders must also wear a mask while entering and riding the bus per the State of CT. The bus is cleaned and sanitized regularly.
· When you board the bus you will be asked to confirm you have not experienced any COVID-19 symptoms such as: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, loss of taste or smell, sore throat or severe headache.
· Our bus is wheelchair-lift equipped. If you require personal assistance, you may bring someone with you. The driver is not permitted to push your wheelchair.
· Senior bus service is curb-to-curb. We cannot go into your home nor leave the bus to come into the medical building with you.
· All protocols are subject to change without notice.
Other Options
· For shopping: use a shopping service online or by email and let the supplies come to you! Or ask a family member or friend to assist you.
· For medical appointments: many doctors are using telehealth services, where you connect over the phone or using a computer. Call your doctor for more information. The Center can help you make an online reservation for telehealth or urgent care; call us.
· Uber and Lyft are ride-sharing services in this area. You can request a ride anywhere using these services. If you have a smartphone, download the Uber or Lyft app to get started. You can learn to use these services at the Senior Center.